Wednesday, April 24, 2013

San Luis Obispo Dentist Discusses Tooth Loss

You may not be concerned with tooth loss now, but research suggests that there are certain factors that can contribute towards tooth loss. Those factors are:
  • Anyone over the age of 35 years of age
  • Males
  • Neglecting professional dental care
  • Neglecting proper oral hygiene practices (toothbrushing)
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
A few of the above factors can not be changes -- age and sex in particular -- but the other risk factors can be influenced by your own healthy habits. For example, brushing and flossing regularly and seeing your dental health professionals, San Luis Obispo dentist Dr. Amorteguy, twice a year or as needed.

Main Reason For Tooth Loss

The primary reason for tooth loss was found be a to a result of sever periodontal disease (gum disease) that can be avoided or remedied with proper brushing and flossing techniques. Once gingivitis has taken hold of your gums and morphed into periodontal disease, the risk for tooth loss increases.

Tooth Loss and the Connection To Overall Health

In addition to poor oral health practices, people experiencing tooth loss also had health issues that complicated their dental health. The connection between tooth loss and diabetes has been well-established. In the research done on tooth loss in this particular, it was found people with high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis have a higher propensity to tooth loss and/or extraction.

If you have any of the health issues in the above list, or are concerned with tooth loss in general, be sure to care for your teeth as suggested by San Luis Obispo dentist Dr. deborah Amorteguy, while also coming in for your professional dental cleanings and check-ups. If tooth loss can be prevented with simple steps, you'll be thanking yourself for taking those tiny, albeit important measures.

Friday, April 19, 2013

San Luis Obispo Doctor Discusses Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Are you embarrassed about your teeth? Do crooked or chipped teeth keep you from smiling the way you would like to?

Tooth discoloration, asymmetry, overcrowding, or chipped teeth can dictate whether or not someone feels their smile is adequate enough to show to the world. Even though these imperfections are normal and completely human, often times they prevent people from achieving their personal and professional goals.

That's why San Luis Obispo dentist, Dr. Amorteguy, would like to discuss the many ways in which people can make a difference in their smile. The first step, and possibly the easiest one to take is that of whitening -- the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure on the market. Optimal whitening is achieved in the office with your dentist, but at-home remedies have been shown to help improve the appearance of teeth as well. However, a dentist whitened smile will last for years when used properly (that includes using professional gels and trays once a month).

If you have broken or chipped teeth, you have a few options. The first would be to implement bonding, a process where chips and gaps are filled in with a hardened, tooth colored substance. Crowns, or porcelain "caps," are more durable, as they cover the entire damaged tooth. Veneers are another option, but only cover a section of the tooth. Your dentist may also suggest gum reshaping (gingivectomy), if you feel your smile is too "gummy."

To save time and money, combine these procedures with orthodontics first -- if your teeth are especially misaligned. Once teeth are straightened out, you San Luis Obispo dentist will cosmetically correct the teeth orthodontics couldn't touch.

Friday, April 12, 2013

San Luis Obispo Dentist Discusses Electric Toothbrushes

When electronic toothbrushes first arrived in the dental healthcare market, there was only one brand offering automatic oral health care. These days, however, there are many different electronic toothbrushes available to consumers with different options -- like re-chargeable batteries, smaller designs, and superb cleaning options. Because of this, it can be daunting when trying to figure out which electronic toothbrush is right for you.

Fortunately, Dr. Amorteguy, a San Luis Obipso dentist, wants to help guide you through the maze of modern electronic toothbrushes. First, let’s discuss the main difference between the two major electronic tooth brushes.

Electronic V. Sonic

Electronic toothbrushes are designed to mimic the motion of your hand when you brush your teeth with a regular toothbrush, except you get 3,000 to 7,500 rotations per minute. These toothbrushes do most of the work for you. Sonic toothbrushes dwarf regular electronic toothbrushes with 30,000 to 40,000 strokes per minute. The sonic toothbrushes rapid movements go a long way to remove plaque and ultimately, lead to an easy next check-up at Dr. Amorteguy’s San Luis Obispo office.

How You Reap The Benefits

Recent studies have shown that electronic and Sonic toothbrushes help alleviate plaque and gingivitis -- reducing your risk of future gum disease as a result of gingivitis and eventually, periodontitis. Additionally, if you have any dexterity issues, having a toothbrush do the work for you, while also getting better than average results is another bonus. It might even influence users to brush more often, since there is less manual labor involved.

The only drawback associated with power toothbrushes is that they may be too expensive for some -- ranging in price from $15 to $100. Some even break the $100 dollar price point.

What Your San Luis Obispo Dentist Recommends

Since buying a power toothbrush can be a commitment of $100, Dr. Amorteguy knows how important it is to get the best one. As such, she advises his patients to ask their dental hygienist for their opinion on which electronic toothbrush is right for them during their next visit to our San Luis Obispo dental office.

Friday, April 5, 2013

SLO Dentist Discusses Gum Disease

Gum disease poses a risk to your oral health and you may not even be aware of it -- says SLO dentist Dr. Amorteguy. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to serious tooth loss and other health complications. Before gum disease escalates to that point, it is possible to reverse the progression of the effects of gum disease.

Gingivitis and Periodontitis

You've probably heard of gingivitis, but have you heard of periodontitis? Gingivitis occurs when bacteria gets stuck in areas of the gum line, inflaming gums. Symptoms of gingivitis usually come in the form of continual bad breath and bleeding gums while brushing. Once gingivitis goes untreated, the disease transforms into periodontitis -- reaching connective tissue and even the bone.

How Your Check-Up With Your La Jolla Dentist Helps

By the time patients even begin to notice the signs of gum disease, it's usually too late. That's why it's important to see your dentist bi-annually, to ensure you're not suffering from a severe case of gum disease. Dentists can spot problem areas along the gum line and any erosion around the root of the tooth. When you visit the dentist regularly, you begin to build up a history that allows the dentist to compare previous visits and x-rays, monitoring the progress or added erosion.

Preventing and Treating Gum Disease

Maintaining recommended dental hygiene habits is the first step in preventing gum disease. Most of us know the basics (brushing and flossing twice a day), but there are additional steps you can take:
  • Use an anti-bacterial mouthwash after brushing to wash away any "left-over" bacteria
  • Quit Smoking. Smoking damages gums, providing a habitable environment in which bacteria flourishes
  • Dr. Amorteguy can scrape away plaque at the gumline

    What To Do About Periodontitis

    If gum disease has infected the bone, then more specialized care at home and the dentist's office is required:
    • The first step is for a dentist to remove plaque and tartar from below the gum line. You may need a local anesthetic so you don’t feel pain.
    • Next, your dentist may prescribe an antibiotic to prevent infection. Some people, may need periodontal surgery to fold back gum tissue. Periodontal surgery can also treat deeper pockets of infection.
    • Your dentist or periodontist may need to do a procedure called grafting. For that, he takes tissue from one part of your mouth (such as the roof) to replace gum tissue that has eroded, exposing the roots of your teeth.